The Institute of Philology of V.I. Vernadsky CFU holds the VIII International Scientific Congress “Philology. Social and National Variation of Language and Literature”

The scientific life of the Institute of Philology (IPh) of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University is saturated with different events, one of which is the International Scientific Congress “Philology. Social and National Variation of Language and Literature”. On 7 and 8 April, 2023 the event will be held in Simferopol for the eighth time.

The Congress is constantly open for innovations, but it always preserves the format of its own. It should be noted that the number of the Congress sections has considerably increased. The subject area of the researches includes the following spheres of the scientific knowledge:

  1. Modern sociolinguistics: theory and practice
  2. Myth as a precedent phenomenon in modern linguoculture
  3. Current issues in translation studies
  4. Applying the functional language model to describing russophonie: linguistic worldview, regulation, text
  5. Russian and world literature in modern sociocultural and cross-cultural context: receptions, studies, interpretations
  6. Variation in teaching Russian as a foreign language within the current educational paradigm
  7. Subject-oriented English: current issues of variation and linguodidactics
  8. The vector of discursive fields on the basis of socio-territorial variation
  9. Pragmalinguistics and intercultural communication
  10. Modern linguistic regionalism and the variation of classical approaches
  11. Sociolects of the Germanic language area
  12. Crimean Tatar studies at the present stage of development
  13. Literary text in a multicultural communicative field: tradition and present times
  14. Current processes in the languages of the Near and Middle East nations
  15. Linguocognitive aspects of text and discourse
  16. The linguistic identity model in a multicultural environment
  17. Classical philology and philological classics
  18. Current issues in practical linguistics and digital linguodidactics
  19. Vitae philologum


To register for participating in the Congress use the link:

For submitting articles and abstracts use the link: or the e-mail:

The deadline of application form registry and article submission is 10 March, 2023.

The Congress working languages are Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar, English, German, French, Modern Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Persian.

According to the Congress results there will be compiled the collection the articles and uploaded into the RSCI system: The Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Congress “Philology. Social and National Variation of Language and Literature”.

The timely information about the Congress is also presented on the site

The Scientific Congress activities will be highlighted via various online media, which include the IPh official site –, pages in the social network «VKontakte» ( (V.I. Vernadsky CFU Scientific School of Sociophonetics and Phonostylistics); (the CFU IPh official page); (the webpage of the CFU IPh community);

The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the VIII International Scientific Congress “Philology. Social and National Variation of Language and Literature”, Director of the Institute of Philology, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor A.D.Petrenko invites everybody who is interested in the permanently urgent issues of linguistics, literary studies and language education to work in the Congress various sections!

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